Our volunteer Board of Directors consists of local residents, brought together by our mutual love for Caledon and the Headwaters.

For David, it is a love affair with the Caledon countryside that began in 1987.

For Rishi, it is a desire to expose his children to nature.

Ashley and her family want a life in wide open spaces and a place to try their hand at farming.

For Anthony, having grown up in BC, it is a reconnection to the natural landscape.

For Debra, it is living surrounded by nature.




For all of us, the pull to Caledon is deep and real. We experience every day what visitors to the area tell us: how beautiful it is, how relaxing it feels to breathe in the fresh air, watch the birds, gaze at the lush forests, walk the hiking trails and visit the quaint hamlets and villages. 

In 2019, we were shocked when they learned of the plan by a Brazilian conglomerate, Votorantim Cimentos/CBM St Marys, to locate a mega blasting quarry on 800 acres of prime agricultural land adjacent to the Credit River. Differing from gravel pits, this was a plan to use explosives to blast 80 feet below the water table and release the rising water into the river.

Disbelief was soon replaced by resolve when David Sylvester and his neighbours created the Forks of the Credit Preservation Group Inc, an incorporated not-for-profit, to protect the place we all deeply love. We sounded the alarm and were joined by hundreds of others with the same concerns.

We are committed to do whatever it takes to stop this environmental assault from being committed on our beloved Caledon and the Credit River.

Simply put, our goal is to preserve the ecological integrity of Caledon and protect the Heart of the Headwaters by stopping this proposed below the water table blasting quarry.

You too can Get Involved!