Wed Sept 4 to Fri Sept 6
Ontario Land Tribunal
File #OLT-23-001315
CBM Aggregates v. Caledon (Town)
The Merit Hearing for CBM's objection to the second year extension of the Interim Control By-Law (ICBL) begins on Wednesday.
This virtual hearing runs from 10 am to 5 pm for 3 days.
To show that the community cares about having the best possible aggregate policies to protect the air we breath, the water we drink, and the natural environment we enjoy, please sign on each day at 10 am.
You may not be able to view for the whole day but any time you can watch shows the community cares and is watching!
Here is how to connect:
Access code:927-921-077
The desktop application can be downloaded at GoToMeetingor a web application is available:
If you prefer to listen, connect by calling in to an audio-only telephone line: 1-888-299-1889. The access code is as indicated above.
We've also set up a private Facebook group to have a Virtual Watching Party. Share your thoughts, ask questions, be part of our community.
Send a request to join on Facebook - just search for "Virtual ICBL Watching Party".