When 6 days to go September 17, 2024 at 7:00pm 3 hrs

Location: Caledon Town Hall
6311 Old Church Rd
Caledon East

The Town's stated purpose for this meeting is to "... provide an opportunity for the public to obtain information and provide input on the Draft Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments before final amendments are presented to Planning and Development Committee and Council for consideration and approval."

The draft policies are posted on the Town of Caledon website.



There will also be an Open House Meeting about the policies on Tues Sept 3.

Two meetings in two weeks can be difficult to squeeze into your calendar.

If you can attend both, great!

If you have to choose, we encourage you to attend the Statutory Public Meeting on Sept 17.

We will be attending both and will provide a recap of the Sept 3 meeting.

Will you come?