Dust contamination is a recognized and unavoidable consequence of a blasting quarry. Dust is created not just during blasting but throughout the quarry process, including drilling, loading and hauling the rock, and the crushing/screening operations. 

Dust is a solid particle which becomes airborne.

The smaller the size, the more hazardous it is to a person's health. The more continuous a person's exposure, the great the risk.

Risks include respiratory ailments, skin and eye issues, and with long term exposure, silicosis, a fatal lung disease.

Quite the risk for anyone living in or visiting the area. 

Here is the whole video from the Nelson Aggregates blast at their Mount Nemo in their below-the-water table, open-pit gravel mine in Burlington, Ontario quarry, resulting in a dust cloud, possibly containing carcinogenic materials, drifting over people's homes:

Nelson Aggregates Blast June 2 2022 - YouTube